Policy ID?
Parcels: df44bef5a988e0b135145c505d734130f545dc959e764ac14c9ce983
Crystals: 8b938c1bd30654772067a2e091152b59a16885a42c093d586c6fd7fa
What are CNFTs?
NFT stands for "non-fungible token" and is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain that can be sold and traded. They are basically digital assets that are often represented by art, that is contained by the underlying code. CNFTs are therefore NFTs stored on the Cardano blockchain.
How can I get CNFTs?
You can either buy CNFTs first hand (=mint) or acquire them from a secondary market (like CNFT.io, JPG store or Genesis House). For the beginning, jpg.store will be available first.
How do I know that my CNFT is genuine?
A Policy ID is often used to confirm the authenticity of an CNFT and thus, that it is part of an original drop - you can find it in the metadata of your CNFT. Our Policy ID is:
How does the minting process work?
The minting address is your key to purchasing one of our CNFTs, as it is the address you have to send currency to get CNFTs in return. We will publish it on this webpage and on our Discord as soon as the minting is officially open.
Disclaimer: Do not send currency to any unofficial wallet address! Scammers will try to trick you into sending currency to their wallet.
To acquire some of our CNFTs, you have to send a specific amount of ADA to our minting address (depending on how many CNFTs you wish to mint). These will then be automatically transferred to the wallet you sent the ADA from. If, at the moment the transaction is confirmed, no more CNFTs are available or the amount of the ADA you sent does not match the requirements, your sent ADA will be automatically returned to your wallet. All CNFTs will be provided randomly at mint. For more information about the mint, see the information above.
When will the mint take place?
The first drop is on 15th March 2022, 21:00 UTC. Whitelisters can mint from 13:00 UTC to 20:30 UTC. To keep up to date, follow our Twitter and join our Discord!
What do I have to mind while minting?
First of all, be absolutely sure you only sent currency to a legit minting address! Scammers will try to sneak fake addresses anywhere they can. Our legit minting address will then be posted in a channel only authorized members can post. There will be no address in DMs or channels outside of the announcement channel.
Further it is important that you send a fitting amount of currency from a Cardano native wallet from the Shelley era (see below).
Which wallet can I use to buy/mint a CNFT?
It is important that you send ADA from a Cardano Shelley era wallet such as Yoroi, Nami or Daedalus, simply because exchange wallets (like Binance or Kucoin) cannot support NFTs. If you send currency from one of these, you will have serious complications receiving or keeping your (C)NFTs. You will lose your ADA and not receive a CNFT in this case.
What is the price of one parcel in World of Cardano?
90 ADA for public & 75 ADA for WL. Please read our Mintpaper.
How do I know where my parcel is on the map?
The parcel CNFTs contain unique coordinates, which you can use to identify the position(s) of your piece(s) of land on our map.
How big is a land parcel?
Where can I have a look at my CNFTs?
If your wallet doesn't support a direct view on your CNFTs, simply visit pool.pm and insert your wallet address into the search bar. Then, click on the collection you want to view and there you go!