Parcel Finder (Alpha Version)
Manual (Only available on PC)
We made a quick functional tool to help you to find your parcels geographically. The positioning in their cities will be published ongoing with new city maps.
This is a scratched HTML code to identify the position, a visual appealing UI is one of the next updates including managing functionalities.
Below, you can see the World of Cardano map with a X/Y grid.
At the top right you see a white button. Select this with your mouse and press “Start”.
A window will open at the top right corner.
This window allows you to accurately identify your parcels on the map.
The designations “Current X “and “Current Y“ show you the current position of your cursor on the map. If you have a specific parcel that you want to find, enter the X and Y values of this parcel in the “Goal X“ or “Goal Y“ field. You can find the coordinates of your owned parcels in the metadata of your CNFTs.
Once you have entered the coordinates in the Goal X and Goal Y fields, press “Mark”.
Your parcel will be shown by a red dot on the map.
With the "+" button you can zoom in to take a closer look at the map. With the "-" button you can zoom out of the position again.
Selecting a parcel also works by clicking anywhere on the map with the mouse.
With the “Select“ button on the top left you can see several marked parcels which you selected with “Goal X“ or “Goal Y” or by clicking on the map.
With the button "remove" you can delete your selected points again.
Clicking the “Select” button again will close the list again and you return to the initially view.